Wise & Well Resource Center



The Wise & Well Team is dedicated to keeping you safe, active, and engaged!  There are numerous resources available and we have compiled them all in various categories below. It is our hope to be a reliable source of information and support to the community. So please feel free to share this page with your family and friends: our goal is to help you Live Well, Age Well & Be Well.

Creative Pathways

Take a class! Take a tour! Be entertained!


Move Your Body

Get moving! Stay active! Increase your energy and strengthen your body… right in your own living room or backyard!


Health & Wellness

Find out what it takes to Live Well, Age Well, and Be Well!



Locate grocery stores with special accommodations for seniors, meal delivery services, or watch a cooking demo or two!


Child’s Play/Activities

Here are some fun and educational activities for your child to visit and explore. As well as places offering child care for those in need.


Stay Informed

To help answer any questions you may have, visit these websites for up-to-date COVID-19 guidance and information. Also, if you would like to learn how to host a Zoom meeting from your smartphone or computer, click the links below! 

Maryland Relay Services 

How to Host a Zoom Meeting from Your Phone

How to Host a Zoom Meeting from Your Computer

Baltimore City Health Department

Maryland Department of Health

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention